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Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Genetic drivers of autism could be stronger for men

Embargoed until: Publicly released:
Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

Observational study: A study in which the subject is observed to see if there is a relationship between two or more things (eg: the consumption of diet drinks and obesity). Observational studies cannot prove that one thing causes another, only that they are linked.

People: This is a study based on research using people.

The degree to which genetics influence autism could be different for males and females, according to international researchers. The team analysed data from a study including over one million Swedish children, of which 12,226 received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and found heritability of autism spectrum disorder (a measure of how well the trait can be attributed to genetics) was estimated to be 10-12% higher in males than in females. The team says the findings indicate there could be a difference in the underlying causes and prevalence of the condition, and may not necessarily indicate a ‘protective’ effect in females, but rather differences in genetic variance between sexes. An accompanying editorial says the findings are an important addition to the field of autism likelihood and warrant further population research.

Journal/conference: JAMA Psychiatry

Link to research (DOI): 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0525

Organisation/s: Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Funder: The study was supported by the Simons foundation (PTE grant No 734069 to Drs Sandin, Dougherty, Fass, and Marrus), Swedish Research Council (grant No. Dnr 2021-0214 to Dr Yin), Karolinska Institutet Research Foundation (grant No Dnr 2020-02156) and Hong Kong General Research Fund of the University Grants Committee Research Grants Council (grant No. ECS24108520 to Dr Hailin). Dr Constantino reported receiving personal fees fromWestern Psychological Services and holding a patent with Western Psychological Services outside the submitted work. Dr Sanders reported receiving grants from BioMarin outside the submitted work. Dr Christofferson reported receiving personal fees from Mount Sinai outside the submitted work.


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